Natural Health Malaysia
Natural Health Malaysia
Someone ended up in hospital with uncontrollable high fever after taking shortcuts to remove fillings
Don’t let anyone (even your dentists) tell you that removing amalgam can be done without any strict, safety protocol.
During the drilling out of amalgam, you can be exposed to 4000 mcg of mercury vapors & unless your dentist has the CLEAN-UP tool from Sweden, you can be in trouble.
Let no one tell you that this or that product can remove heavy metals. You can end up sicker than before.
Also many people are already taking the best supplement money can buy, yet fail our heavy metal test badly. Remember! Taking health supplements alone will not do much to remove heavy metals.
Always use our time-proven, heavy-metal detox program ONE week before seeing our panel dentists to replace 1 filling & 1 filling per week thereafter. Never rush or allow your dentists to rush you to do more. You must call the shots for your own safety.
Always do a heavy-metal and toxin test before & after going through the detoxification. This is the only way to confirm what you did was right & successful.
During the tests, we identify the type of metals your body has accumulated throughout the years & then specific antidotes are given to discharge the identified metals or toxins out of your system safely.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011