Natural Health Malaysia
Natural Health Malaysia
TINNITUS (Ear Ringing Noise)
18th March, 2016
Tinnitus is the unpleasant “noise” inside the ear or head. It can be in one ear or both.
For most people, the noise is low & bearable, but for some, the noise can be loud & irritable, affecting their sleep and or work. It can drive them “mad”.
The noise can come & go and it can be louder at certain times of the day. For others the noise can be constant.
Different people experience different types of noises, like crickets make, or buzzing, cracking, chirping, humming, ringing, roaring, rushing, wheezing, etc.
The causes of tinnitus can include listening to loud in-ear headphones, loud music in discos or music studios, ear infections, drug medications, or from other causes.
From our experience, most patients’ tinnitus are caused by toxic substances in their bodies.
My wife’s tinnitus was first caused by pesticide sprays, then by hair dyes, then by dental sealants and by some drug medications. Our method is to use an antidote of the pesticide to detoxify the pesticide toxin out of her body, and in a week or 2 the tinnitus would go away completely. The same goes for other toxins.
Unfortunately this method is not used by ENT Specialists, because their training does not include this protocol.
Started seeing improvement 2 weeks into our therapy
March 7, 2011
Medical student’s First Dose of Alternative Medicine
1st year Medical student Paul Khoo (not his real name), age 21, from Pahang came to see me on 4th August, 2009 regarding his continuous high pitched ringing brain noise & sensation of blocked ears & blocked nose. His hearing was also affected to some degree.
His tinnitus first started in the UK on the 19th April 2009. As a result he couldn’t sleep well & he couldn’t study well too. He may not graduate if his tinnitus problem continues.
Fortunately, his tinnitus improved 2 weeks into our therapy. Today he is in year three doing fine with his studies, as his ringing noise has abated by 95%.
P.S. The following is a series of SMSes (texted messages), Facebook & Email communication, which is self explanatory:-
10-08-2009.(texted message) (4th day into our detox)
Dr Chan, I begin to experience heart palpitations today. The tinnitus has not improved. Could it be that I’m responding to the homeopathic treatment? (I first experienced palpitations when my tinnitus began in April, 09) Thanks.
01-10-2009.(texted message from UK)
Dr Chan, hi there I’m Paul Khoo who visited you back in August. I’m glad to share with you that my tinnitus has got much better now after taking your homeopathy medicine, vitamin B12 and ginkgo biloba. I have returned to the UK to continue my study. When I return home next June, I may visit you again.
Heng Hua Chan (Facebook message) October 16, 2009 at 7:53pm
Dear Paul, many thanks for your texted messages, but was too busy to reply. I just managed to open a Face-book account. I am happy that you have been helped in your condition. What is the percentage of improvement you have? How soon did my remedies work for you?
Hope to hear from you soon.
Dr Chan
Paul Khoo (Facebook message) October 17, 2009 at 7:29pm
Hi Dr Chan,
i'm glad to hear from you.
Regarding your questions, i would say that my condition has improved by 80%. Your remedies seemed to begin working after two weeks.
During my recovery, i did also take the following medicines: methylcobal 500 mcg twice a day, betahistidine 24mg twice a day, Rivotril half a tablet.
Some research papers suggested a link between zinc deficiency and tinnitus. i remember that your remedies included zinc gluconate 50 mg.
Do we have to take zinc together with copper? (since zinc is said to affect the metabolism of copper) In the UK, Holland & Barrett sell zinc supplement 15mg zinc with 0.75 mcg copper.
You take care ya. keep in touch.
Paul Khoo
----- Original Message -----
From: Heng Hua Chan
To: (email address suppressed)
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:28 AM
Subject: Dr Andrew Wakefield
Dear Paul,
How’s your tinnitus since your last improvement of about 80%? Any further improvement?
Please go to to check out on the latest about Dr Andrew Wakefield’s court case which will end this Friday.
Best regards
Dr Chan
Re: Dr Andrew Wakefield
From: (email address suppressed)
To: Heng Hua Chan<>
Sent:Sunday, January 31st , 2010 4:58:25AM
Dear Dr Chan,
Hi. Thank you very much for the email and your kind concern over my tinnitus. i think it has improved by 95% by now. The ringing will return temporarily sometimes especially after biting and turning my head around.
Prof Kelvin from Monash who once saw me suggested that my tinnitus could be caused by temporomandibular joint dysfunction secondary to stress or hard biting.
Nevertheless, the actual improvement only began after i took a combination of medicines including your homeophatic medicines and Vitamin B12, beta-histidines, rivotril, ibuprofen (cream for neck muscles) from other doctors.
Thank you for the link to Wakefield's news. BBC News reported that the GMC had proved Wakefield's break in research rules.
i hope you have been doing well!
Take care
Paul Khoo
Tinnitus Cured
October 22, 2006
In February, 2006, I was suffering from tinnitus in both my ears. My left ear was more severe. I couldn’t sleep well at night for 2 weeks because of the ringing noise.
I believe my tinnitus was the result of listening to very loud music from a music studio. I was in the studio for about 2 hours. It was so loud that my ears began to ache. I didn’t know it would lead to tinnitus, so I stayed back for the whole session.
When I came out of the studio, my ears continue to emit ringing noise which I thought could stop, but it didn’t. Whenever a noisy motorcyclist zoom pass me, my ears would respond with pain & the tinnitus would be louder.
A few days later I went to see a doctor and he gave me some Gingko Biloba, but it didn’t help my tinnitus though I took his medication faithfully.
My girl friend found this website and made an appointment for me to see Dr. Chan. I was tested on 2 German-made machines and the doctor found that my nerves were affected.
There was also a marked imbalance between my right & left head energies. He said that I had also heavy metal poisoning, which included mercury, aluminium, lead, cadmium, chromium, copper & palladium. On top of that my “Vitality” level was only 29% (normal 45% to 85%) hence my immune system was down.
He advised me against smoking which is counter-productive to building up health in fighting this tinnitus. I was given anti-dotes for the heavy metals, detox programme which included vitamins & minerals to build up my immune system.
A week later on the programme, my tinnitus improved 70%. Today, which is 3 months later I report 95% improvement of my tinnitus.
Khairold Safri Bin Ibrahim
013-3422432, 03-22401644 (Off)
Assistant Manager,
Telekom Malaysia Berhad
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Tinnitus Cure
(the way it was first done in Malaysia)
March 24, 2006
In 1982, I started noticing a noise like that of a cricket in my left ear. As time went on, the noise became so irritating that I couldn't sleep at night.
My family doctor, Dr. Arasu, asked me to see an E.N.T. Specialist at the University Hospital at Petaling Jaya. I was required to be present at the Hospital for 3 days for the Professor & his team of doctors to investigate into my problem. At the end of the 3 days they came out with nothing, except that they wanted to give me sleeping pills & also suggested surgery experimentally to look into my inner ear but I refused.
I also suffered dizziness & my doctor thought that it was Meniere’s Syndrome, but the Professor diagnosed me as having Tinnitus or Ringing in the ears. My husband, a Nutritionist at that time, did some research & found out that modern medicine has no cures for Tinnitus. But he knew that this disease is curable, after reading many books on Homeopathy.
Meantime, we went from one Homeopath to another, from doctors to professors of Homeopathy & no one could even relief my tinnitus, except for one Indian Homeopath who succeeded to stop the noise. There was a lot of guesswork before one of his medicines worked by chance. Every 2 weeks he gave me a new medicine to try. I must have tried at least 20 to 30 different medicines in desperation for a cure.
When the noise came back a year later, we couldn’t locate the Homeopath. Meantime my husband was studying Homeopathy so that he could find a cure for me himself. It wasn’t easy. Homeopathy is unlike modern medicine, he said. Different people needed different medicines, at different times. And there are over 2000 remedies in Homeopathy to choose from. It is like finding a pin in a haystack, he went on.
My husband then went to England, Germany & Switzerland to find out how the Europeans practise Homeopathy. There he learnt that toxic substances from insecticides, pesticides, household products, hair dyes, toiletries & even dental toxins from mercury fillings, crowns & root canals can cause disease. It was an eye-opener for him. This was never taught in a regular Homeopathic classroom, he said & the reason is when Homeopathy was founded 200 years ago, these chemical toxins were non-existent.
He bought a German medical equipment & did tests on me whenever my tinnitus recurred. He was always able to detect some poisons or toxins in my body that triggered my tinnitus. He would collect my perfumes, hair dyes, Shelltox (insecticides), toiletries to his clinic for testing to find out which particular product was causing my tinnitus. Once the poison was identified, he would make an anti-dote for me. And that would be the remedy to stop my tinnitus. It would take about 3 days to a week to see the reduction of the ringing noise, & slowly but surely the noise would stop altogether for a year or two.
If I wasn’t careful with those chemically made products or even eating fruits which had been sprayed with pesticides, my tinnitus would come back. Then it is another trip to the only clinic in town that does this unusual tests & therapy.
Ruby Ong (Mrs. Chan)
Rawang, Selangor, Malaysia
I am glad that I found your website
Ruby in serene Blackforest, Germany, away from air & noise pollution