Natural Health Malaysia
Natural Health Malaysia
25-year Migraine Headaches Cured
I suffered from migraine headaches daily for 25 years before I met Dr. H. H. Chan. For years I had to take “Ponstan & Cafergot” to control the pains. At anytime then I had ample supply of these drugs in my refrigerator.
Dr. Chan told me that the chances of curing my migraine headaches were very good because I had mercury dental fillings, crowns & root canals. He said that if the headaches started after the installation of these dental fittings, then the cure is almost certain.
I agreed to be tested for heavy-metal poisoning. Sure enough, Dr. Chan found that I had been poisoned by mercury & nickel, which had been accumulating in my organs for years. The next thing he did was to give me Homeopathic anti-dotes for these metals, to flush them out of my system. In addition to the anti-dotes, he also gave me detox capsules & some vitamin pills.
Then he told me to replace all those toxic dental fittings with safer ones. He sent me to one of his panel dentists to replace my mercury fillings. It took months for me to complete my dental restoration work because I had 8 mercury fillings, 4 root canal teeth & 2 titanium screws with 2 crowns.
As soon as all my fillings were replaced with composites (white fillings), my daily headaches left me completely. Today I get back the headaches only if I am exposed to chemicals from wall paints which are still wet, evaporating or smelly.
When my root canal teeth were removed according to a “special protocol”, all pains & aches in my body improved between 60% to 90%.
I still find it hard to believe that dentists can go on poisoning people & making them sick. I am glad to share this story of mine if it can help one other person to be free of his/her migraine headaches without resorting to a lifetime of drugs (pain-killers).
Paul Lourdes
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
August 26, 2002
I am still free of migraine headaches 7 years after Dr Chan's therapy"