Natural Health Malaysia
Natural Health Malaysia
Functional Medicine
The best of East and West
The Trend for safer Alternatives and Why?
The world trend is now for natural healing, using safe, natural remedies and nutritional supplements. Many people are disappointed with modern drug therapy, which very often treats the symptoms and not the causes of disease. Drugs, being poisons, often cause new symptoms (side effects) burdening the patients. The poisons of Chemotherapy and the devastating effects it has on cancer patients, leaves one to wonder how this drug ever passed the double-blind placebo-controlled studies. Yet modern (conventional) medicine demands that all natural health products be scientifically tested and proven.
Many surgeries could have been avoided if the cause of each disease was first established and removed. Modern medicine also created a new category of disease called iatrogenic diseases. latrogenic disorders are those caused by medical procedures, doctors, nurses, medicines and hospitals. Dental amalgam (contains 50% mercury) is an example. Mercury, being one of the world's most poisonous heavy metal is allowed to be placed in our mouth, weakening our immune system and causing a host of ailments. Mistakes with poisons can be fatal. Medical errors kill up to 98,000 Americans yearly as reported by TIME magazine in 1999.
If conventional medicine becomes a truly independent body (freed from the politics of medicine, and pharmaceutical industries), then we will not need an alternative system of medicine. Unfortunately corrupt practices high up the hierarchy of modern medicine, has reduced doctors to licensed drug pushers. As such, modern medicine limits itself to the use of patented drugs and therefore does not have the truth, nor the sincerity in wanting to eradicate disease and human suffering. Modern medicine's failure has the world looking for an alternative.
Crisis Medicine
Despite all the disadvantages of using modern medicine for chronic diseases, modern medicine can very often save lives in emergencies. Some of its diagnostic & surgical methods are superb. Sometimes drugs are also necessary to save lives or to buy time before natural therapies work. So, please do not burn down the hospitals.
Homoeopathy, German natural medicine, founded by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann almost 200 years ago, is taking the world by storm. Herbs, animal and mineral substances are used, much like the traditional Chinese medicine. But homoeopathic remedies are highly diluted or in a more refined form. Only a few drops of homoeopathic remedies are all you need as a dose.
"LIKE CURES LIKE" is the basis for Homoeopathy. If an herb given to a healthy individual causes headache, this same herb may cure someone else's headache. Now there are over 2000 different types of herbs and substances that have been tested on healthy human beings and not on animals. These human "proven" remedies are then accepted into the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia.
According to research statistics, homoeopathic remedies can be used to treat a great number of human diseases successfully, if they are used correctly. It is very easy to study homoeopathy, but very difficult to master. See how this problem can now be solved in the paragraphs to come.
T.C.M (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years. Millions of Chinese rely on T.C.M. for all their ailments. The Chinese people of China managed to survive all these years without modern drug medicine, until its inception about a century ago. The Chinese believe that imbalances of organ energies (or Qi) may lead to disease. Or one is sure of finding energy imbalances in a sick person.
Very often the Chinese physicians do not treat an ailing organ directly. To treat the malfunctioning liver, the physician treats either the kidneys, lungs, spleen/pancreas or the heart, using the 5-element method (wood, water, metal, earth or fire).
It is also easy to study Chinese medicine, but difficult to learn to diagnose accurately when taking the pulses. This method of investigation can be quite subjective. The patient is not able to know the proficiency of the physician. This problem can now be solved, too.
Another shortcoming of T.C.M. is the lack of research in the area of toxins and heavy metals. This is because T.C.M. was established thousands of years ago when the world was still unpolluted.
E.A.V (Electro-acupuncture according to Dr. R. Voll.)
Many German doctors study T.C.M. and acupuncture to help them understand the causes of diseases. Dr. Reinhold Voll, a German doctor (and also a Homoeopath) invented a machine in the early 50's to measure organ energies on the acupuncture points. His E.A.V. device actually measures skin resistance, by sending a small voltage of electricity into the organs of the patients. (Battery, meter, acupuncture point, meridian & organ, all connected in a series circuit).
In 1998, a revolutionized E.A.V. called PERFORMANCE 2001 surfaced in Germany, making all old type E.A.Vs. obsolete. For the first time in the history of E.A.V., pure organ energies or electricity can be measured without having to send external electricity into the patient's body and getting a compromised reading. The result : more accurate & more objective measurement is now possible.
The Secrets of Success in Healing
(Eastern & western methods put together)
The world we live in is highly toxic because of man-made chemicals, and heavy metals. Toxins make their way into our bodies through air, food, water, & mercury dental fillings, depressing our immune system.
A depressed immune system is useless in the fight against disease.
1)With the help of Performance 2001 E.A.V. device, we can identify SPECIFIC TOXINS in the human body. Let us suppose that the toxin, arsenic was found, a homoeopathic nosode of arsenic can then be prescribed to neutralize the arsenic in the body. Once its toxic load is removed, then it is easier to boost the immune system with health foods. (General detoxification methods are often not effective enough.)
2)We can use the E.A.V. device to measure organ electricity, hence identify organ energy imbalances in 10 minutes, via acupuncture points. (This can replace T.C.M.'s pulse diagnosis).
Organ energy imbalances must be re-balanced with suitable remedies, carefully tailored to the patient, also with the help of the E.A.V. machine. (This takes away the educated guesswork of classical Homoeopathy. No more hit-or-miss.)
A well balanced energetic system is conducive to healing.
The Tasks of Functional Medicine
(Investigation & Restoration)
a)Functional disorders of organs
b)Biological waste management systems
c)Toxins & heavy metals
e)Intestinal flora
f)Geopathic stress
g)Mental stress
h)Immune system capacity
j)Dental problems
k)Imbalance of organ energies
l)Pre-cancers, cysts, tumours, benign & malignant.
m)Deficiencies -vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones.
Article by (H) Dr. H. H. Chan
Natural Health Clinic, Division of Newmarket Trading Co., Estd. 1980
Lot 3-32, Pertama Complex, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman,50100 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel : 03-2692 0253, Handphone: 012-2389001
Quote :-
"Functional Medicine should be understood as a meaningful and necessary supplementation to Conventional Medicine. It is intended to bridge the existing diagnostic and therapeutic gaps.
Functional Medicine is not antithetical to Conventional Medicine. On the contrary it offers a needed expansion of the entire art of healing, which neither Functional, nor Conventional Medicine alone can master."
Dr. Heimut W. Schimmel, Germany, author of FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE
Thursday, November 4, 2010